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Windows 10 has been released for more than 2 years with many updates khổng lồ improve sầu the quality and suit the requirements of users. Windows 10 rumored khổng lồ be the final version of Microsoft should be the focus of the processor & integrate many of the best features.

Actually, the download and installation of Win 10 will help you work as well as learn more effectively, the data will also be better security. Windows 10 is considered khổng lồ be the next generation of Microsoft" operating system, giving users a new, surprising & unexpected experience. According to lớn many people who have sầu used win 7 and win 8, the win 10 version not only has a nice interface but also easier to use as well as tư vấn more functions. In particular, win 10 investment is quite lucrative sầu security mode to help protect the safety of users.

The Windows 10 operating system comes with many new features and beautiful interface. Today Windows 10 is not only used on computers that Smartphone devices are also used. This is a huge difference with the lower versions lượt thích Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. Download Win 10 to lớn experience.There is a very nice Windows XPhường. displaying tool called XPExplorer. You can use XPExplorer khổng lồ choose zoom levels lượt thích 100%, 125%, 11/2, 175% or even 200% for fonts on windows 10. Windows 10
has been released to lớn replace outdated Windows versions such as Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. With Windows 7, users have had a long experience and until now there are still many users using Windows 7. instead of installing new to lớn Windows 10.

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There is now a version of Windows 10 S for education that can run applications installed from the Windows Store, providing better security. Windows 10 also integrates with cloud storage services.Glancing over, we can easily see the biggest change of the Windwos 10 is that the interface, layout split in Windows 10 has improved significantly compared to Windows 8.1. Inside are useful features that were first integrated by Microsoft. Performance on the Windwos 10 is also more stable & faster than previous versions. Boot time, shutdown faster, process searches for fle, information in the computer simpler và more professional.If you have sầu not already downloaded Windows 10 1703, please tải về and update Windows 10 1703 to experience the lathử nghiệm features of this version.

Windows 10 is the lakiểm tra version of Microsoft" operating system, và the great advantage of Windows 10 is the ability khổng lồ operate on any device, whether it" a computer or a di động device. Windows 10 has a comprehensive sầu breakthrough of interfaces and features compared lớn the old version, has its own browser, can vày many things at once, store applications và games rich, ... in addition lớn There are many other interesting features awaiting you to explore.


Some highlights of Windows 10:

1. Change the Start Menu.Run multiple modes on the Desktop.3. Run multitasking applications at the same time better.New Task View.6. Find files, data faster.

Download Ghost Windows 10 64 bit - Full soft - Link google driver:


Download Ghost Windows 10 32 bit - Full soft - Link google driver:

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