Ông táo tiếng anh là gì


Ngày 23 tháng Chạp thường niên theo phong tục của bạn Việt là ngày cúng ông Công, công Táo giỏi có cách gọi khác là Tết Táo quân. Theo tín ngưỡng dân gian, ngày cúng ông Công, ông Táo chính là ngày vua bếp lên chầu trời report việc nhà bếp núc, làm nạp năng lượng, đối xử của mái ấm gia đình những năm đó. Đây còn là một tục lệ bày tỏ sự tri ân đối với các vị thần sẽ quanh năm lo toan thống trị bảo trì nếp sinch hoạt gia đình, đôi khi thông báo mỗi người tất cả trách nhiệm hơn vào vấn đề quan tâm, thu vun mái ấm gia đình. Ngày mai đó là ngày tết Ông Công Ông Táo. Chắc ai vào chúng ta cũng hồ hết biết về sự việc tích này, mà lại bây giờ thử mày mò bằng một ngữ điệu new chính là Tiếng Anh nhé. Biết đâu bạn sẽ có thời cơ nói đến bằng hữu nước ngoài về câu chuyện thú vui này !

There is also another legend:

After Thi Nhi got married lớn Pmê mẩn Lang, one day while Thi Nhi và Psi Lang were burning some votive papers in the yard, there was a beggar coming và begged for something. Thi Nhi recognized her former husband & brought hyên some rice. Falling under Pham mê Lang’ s suspicion, Thi Nhi was so ashamed that she rushed headlong into the burning fire to kill herself. Trong Cao was sympathetic towards his ex-wife, so he also rushed lớn the fire khổng lồ die. Pham mê Lang also jumped inlớn the fire khổng lồ die together with his wife.

Bạn đang xem: ông táo tiếng anh là gì

The God was so touched to see the love of Trong Cao, Thi Nhi & Psay đắm Lang that he appointed three of them khổng lồ be “Tao Quan” và assigned each person a job:

-Phạm Lang is “Tho Cong” (the God of Kitchen who looks after cooking job)

-Trọng Cao is “Tho Dia” (the God of Soil who takes care of family affairs)

-Thị Nhi is “Tho Ki” (the God who sees khổng lồ the matters related khổng lồ shopping in the market)

Besides two above sầu legends, there is also another one:

There was a poor couple. The wife worked as a farmer in the field while the husband worked as a merchant. Due lớn job quality, the husband was often away from trang chính and occasionally came baông chồng trang chủ after his business, sometimes only went trang chính in the New Year. Until a special voyage, the husband went away from trang chính with no news & no money sent to his wife at trang chủ. She waited for him for 10 years but he was still missing. Then she took another man in marriage. This man was a hunter who adopted a servant named “Loc”.

One day, the new husbvà and the servants hunted away from trang chính, suddenly the former husband returned & explained for his absence for many years. He was arrested by the invaders in the forest and he had just been escaped from them. The wife could only hug his husband và cried, và then she invited hyên ổn a meal with foods & wine. When her new husbvà came baông xã trang chính after hunting, the wife took the old husb& to lớn the stack of straw lớn hide temporarily. The new husbvà & his servant hunted for a civet, so he urged his wife khổng lồ go shopping to prepare a delicious meal.

While his wife was away, the husbvà và the servants burnt the staông chồng of straw to burn the civet. The fire accidentally burned the ex-husband who was sleeping well. After a while, the wife came bachồng home and she recognized the problem. Being very painful & feeling as if she had been the reason to kill her ex-husband, she jumped inkhổng lồ the fire to lớn die with him.

The new husband mourned over her dead wife và also jumped inkhổng lồ the fire to lớn die. The servant felt regret at his master’s death và repented of his kindling the fire. And he also jumped into the fire lớn die with his master.

Three of them were then assigned khổng lồ be The Gods of Kitchen by the Pluto lớn. And the servant was turned into lớn a tool to lớn bloông xã the ashes when people cook by the stove in the kitchen, commonly known as “Loc”. In the pictures of Kitchen Gods, the soulful servant “Loc” is often drawn to stand next to three people.

The meaning of The “God of Kitchen” Festival in Vietphái nam on December 23rd(Lunar Calendar)

All three above sầu stories have sầu different characters and circumstances as well, but they have sầu one thing in common – all characters live emotionally. The ancient Vietnamese people can never accept the polyandry (a wife with two men). Therefore, what stories mention is the conjugal affection, in which the husbvà and the wife live sầu và die together.

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The Vietnamese believe that the God of Kitchen disposes the happiness và virtue of every family. The happiness and virtue are based on the judicious things made by the owner và members of the house. In addition, the God of Kitchen prevents the intrusion of ghosts & devils into lớn residential land to lớn keep peace for everyone in the house.

Every year, on the 23rd of December, the God of Kitchen will ride a carp to fly baông chồng khổng lồ the heaven to report everything happening in the house of the owner with the King of the Heaven. And this is known as the custom of worshipping the God of Kitchen.

The Kitchen God is said khổng lồ live sầu only in the kitchen all year round and know everything in the house clearly. Moreover, the Kitchen God is also believed khổng lồ bring the luông xã & good fortune khổng lồ the family in the New Year. Therefore, lớn make the Kitchen God tư vấn và assist the family a lot of luông xã và good fortune in the New Year, people often celebrate the farewell ceremony for the Kitchen God before coming baông chồng khổng lồ the heaven solemnly. Until noon on the 30thof December (Lunar Calendar) or the moment of New Year’ s Eve, The Kitchen God returns every house to continue his job of looking after the stove sầu in the kitchen.

And current practices

The meaning of Tet Tao Quan is all about preparing a grand farewell for three Deities on their journey to the Heavens, & the ceremony is held at every Vietnamese household. On the 23r day of December, normally, grandmothers and mothers of the family will cook a lot of delicacies such as new harvest steamed sticky rice or plain porridge. They clean & decorate the altar with fresh flowers & fruits. On the altar also laid three votive paper caps, the yellow one in the middle for Mrs. Tao and two black ones for two Mr. Tao.


A typical mix of three caps for Tao Quan

Along with these preparations, a large bowl of water with one live large golden carp or three small ones is kept aside. The carps are all alive and will be freed inkhổng lồ a pond, lake or river after the worshipping ceremonies are finished. Tao Quan can only travel up to lớn the Heavens with the help of golden carps, as carp is used lớn be the Heavens’ animal & is a very good swimmer.

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People go to lớn ponds and mix the bought-from-market carp free lớn water

Freeing the carps is also lớn show human’s respect và gratitude towards animal worlds, & wishing for the good fortune of the upcoming year. Nowadays, the image of Tao Quan is so familiar that they even appear in many dramatics, movies or TV shows on the occasion of Tet Festival.