Difference between sprintf and fprintf

In the version/release name, of the form R(year)-a/b, please describe the version name components completely.

Bạn đang xem: Difference between sprintf and fprintf

R means "Release". Then there is the year, for example năm trước. Then there is a letter a or b describing the release order in that year. "a" = first, "b" = second, etc. So R2014b means "Released in 2014" và the "b" means it is the second release that year, which typically happens in September. The "a" releases happen in March of each year.



See the Release Notes for information about the major changes và new features in each release. If you"re specifically interested in release R2015b, the broadest impact change in that release is the new execution engine (see the Performance section of the Release Notes to which I linked.)


No, "a" is the first release of the year (in March) , & "b" is the second release of the year (in September) as I said in my Answer. I"m certain of that.


Image Analyst is correct. This page on the kinhnghiemdanhbac.com website has a section talking about the release naming system as well as some motivation why we release twice yearly.

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