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The church has an east-west orientation (= has one main side facing east and the opposite side facing west).the type of interests, activities, or aims that an organization, business, or project has, or the act of giving attention to lớn a particular thing: The development of a consistent culture of customer orientation throughout the organization is crucial for survival.The Act requires that people should be employed without regard lớn their political or sexual orientation.

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The rest of their chapter is given over khổng lồ a nhận xét of the particular orientations taken by researchers into lớn hardiness, locus of control and coping. The relentlessly parochial orientations of congressmen và senators inevitably give them perspectives on issues at variance with presidents responding lớn a national electorate. Furthermore, although on the surface narratology manifests a relatively coherent and almost monolithic theoretical project, it includes in fact diverse methods và orientations. The thiông chồng diagonal line separates the traditional orientations ofprocessual archaeology (left) from those of post-processual archaeology (right). Within this perspective sầu orientations have changed in the course of time, & there has always been a certain pluriformity within the group. Significant changes in management strategy, optimal entry fee and economic benefit appear to lớn be possible by recognizing different scales và orientations of relevant stakeholders. In the context of this paper, it is interesting lớn note two particular interpretations of in terms of orientations of a graph. The preconditions for deep learning that were identified as located to lớn the trainees included the areas of trainee identity, learning orientations and musical experience. Importantly, these orientations were articulated in different ways và with different degrees of emphasis by the individuals interviewed. Similar hypotheses regarding the foundations of successful ageing could be tested by studies that have sầu deciphered the preferred value orientations of other, different, cultures. The concept of value orientations has received much attention in sociological and psychological literature over the past forty years. First, let us briefly consider the effects of symbolic orientations and demographic characteristics. Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không trình bày cách nhìn của các chỉnh sửa viên kinhnghiemdanhbac.com kinhnghiemdanhbac.com hoặc của kinhnghiemdanhbac.com University Press tốt của các bên trao giấy phép.


Các trường đoản cú thường xuyên được áp dụng với orientation.

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Similarly, the achievement index shows the more developed a society is, the less emphatic the achievement orientation of its population.Nevertheless, large numbers of easily identifiable bone fragments gave us clues lớn the general orientation of the deposits.

The low dynamic levels, the absence of vibrato lớn và the lack of goal orientation are aspects of “mourning”, a mô tả tìm kiếm he thought appropriate for his work. Những ví dụ này từ kinhnghiemdanhbac.com English Corpus với tự các nguồn trên website. Tất cả phần đa chủ kiến trong số ví dụ không biểu lộ chủ ý của những biên tập viên kinhnghiemdanhbac.com kinhnghiemdanhbac.com hoặc của kinhnghiemdanhbac.com University Press tuyệt của fan trao giấy phép.





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